Collier's Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Boiler Replacement’

How Long Does a Boiler Really Last?

Monday, December 12th, 2022

Boiler systems are known for their incredible durability to the point where it’s become a bit of a running joke. You’ve probably seen boilers in cartoons or TV shows from back in the day, where it was coming up on its 20th, 30th, or even 40th birthday. It’s definitely true that a boiler can outlast a forced-air heating system, but there’s an important thing to consider when evaluating how long a boiler can last.

How long should your boiler system last?

Boilers can last well into their second decade most of the time, but this might not be a good economic decision for you and your family. Just because a boiler can last for multiple decades doesn’t mean it should, and you might be paying for it down the line. Let’s talk about why boiler replacement in Warsaw, IN might be better earlier than later.

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When Is It Time to Replace a Boiler System?

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

larger-boiler-systemWhen people are shopping for heating systems to install in a new house, one of the points of comparison they make between different models is their estimated service life. In this column, the boiler has a large advantage over the gas furnace, electric furnace, or heat pump. A boiler usually outlasts any of these other heaters.

But a boiler can’t run forever. Once you’ve gotten a good number of years of warmth from your home’s boiler and it’s more than repaid its initial investment, you should consider having it replaced. There are a number of ways to tell that you have a boiler that’s ready for a retirement; we recommend you call on HVAC professionals to help you with the choice if you’re uncertain if your boiler can go for a few more years or not.

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