Collier's Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Columbia City’

Here’s Why You Need Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Keeping your home safe and efficient involves many tasks, and one often overlooked area is dryer vent cleaning. It’s easy to think of this as a simple chore you can tackle on your own, but the truth is, DIY dryer vent cleaning can lead to potential hazards and inefficiencies. 

In this blog post, we’ll delve into why homeowners, including those who may be a bit hesitant to hire outside help, should seriously consider the benefits of hiring a professional dryer vent cleaning service in Columbia City, IN, not only for convenience, but for safety as well.

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Common Furnace Problems That Happen Halfway Through Heating Season

Monday, February 5th, 2024

As the winter months progress and temperatures plummet, furnaces across the country work tirelessly to keep homes warm and comfortable. However, halfway through the heating season, these essential heating systems can encounter various issues that disrupt their operation. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore some common furnace problems that tend to arise in February, requiring the expertise of HVAC contractors to resolve. Rely on us for any heating repair in Columbia City, IN, you may need to keep yourself and your family warm until spring.

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Geothermal Woes to Have Professionally Addressed

Monday, November 13th, 2023

Geothermal systems are robust if anything. Many of the components are drilled into the ground so they’re insulated and protected from weather events. However, due to shifting sediment, flooding, and even problems in your home, a geothermal system could run into trouble.

This blog post is going to focus on some common issues with geothermal units, and the sources of these problems. It’s not always as simple as that, but that’s where our team comes in. If you find yourself dealing with a geothermal issue that persists, our licensed professionals can easily diagnose it and provide geothermal repair in Columbia City, IN.

From small system refrigerant leaks to burst ground pipes from moving sediment, problems can come in all shapes and sizes. But you can always count on a solution when you work with the experts from our team. We never cut corners and we pride ourselves on providing work that stands the test of time!

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What Your Next AC Says About You

Monday, August 14th, 2023

We’ve all seen those funny quizzes and lists, like “which character from this hit 90s TV show are you?” or “what your car says about you.” These are classic, and not only are they usually pretty funny, they can sometimes hit at something that’s very true.

Air conditioning systems have been around long enough that they’re a part of pop culture. They’re also super common these days, practically every home in our area has one–whether it’s a window unit or a powerful central air conditioner.

So, if you’re on the hunt for a new air conditioning installation in Columbia City, IN, then we’ve got a fun list for you to figure out what kind of person you are, and what kind of system would fit perfectly in your home. Of course, you should always take into account your preferences and your budget, but there’s no reason why this process can’t be fun!

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Fixing Your Ducts Goes a Long Way

Monday, May 15th, 2023

Your air ducts need to be addressed in order for you to get long-term home comfort. They’re a vital part of a centralized, forced-air heating or cooling system, and they’re going to be better off in professional hands.

We hear stories all the time of homeowners trying to clean or fix their ducts on their own, but that ends up leading to damage and hours of wasted time or money spent on equipment that just doesn’t work. Avoid this kind of worst-case scenario by calling a licensed professional to have your air ducts fixed.

How do you know if your air ducts need fixing? Well, that’s what we’re here for!

We’ll cover all of the signs that you might have ducts in disrepair, and we’ll talk about why duct repair in Columbia City, IN goes a long way towards improving your home comfort.

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Types of Commercial Heating Systems

Monday, February 13th, 2023

Commercial heating comes in many shapes and sizes. Your specific solution isn’t going to be the same as the business across the street or down the road.

Before you get a heating system sized for your business, it’s important to know which type works best for your particular needs.

We make commercial heating in Columbia City, IN as easy as possible with our extensive services. Before you jump in with both feet, let’s help you figure out which system makes the most sense for you.

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3 Major Benefits to AC Maintenance

Monday, June 13th, 2022

We talk a lot about the importance of AC maintenance on this blog, but sometimes we can get lost in the weeds. An HVAC professional can focus so much on telling customers to invest in AC maintenance, that they can forget to talk about why it’s so important to schedule this kind of service. After all, for many customers, a quick online search is the only method of obtaining this kind of information, so we need to switch our focus and talk about three major benefits of maintenance.

When you think of AC maintenance in Columbia City, IN, you probably think of an unnecessary service—something that you can invest in if you want to feel good or pay for a pro to just “check things.” The truth is much more complicated.

Maintenance is a valuable service, and there are three specific things we’d like to mention today that make it totally worth it.

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3 Important Heating Industry Trends to Investigate

Monday, November 8th, 2021

In order for our company to be as helpful and attentive as possible for our customers, we need to be innovative. We have to stay on top of industry trends, train our employees, do our research, and above all else share that information with our community. The more informed and well-versed our customers are about the HVAC industry, the more likely they are to make smart decisions that benefit them financially.

This is the post where we’re going to dive deep into three specific industry trends that homeowners are definitely going to want to be aware of. We’ll go over why these trends are occurring, what they mean for homeowners, and the best choice of action you can take to avoid missing out.

Many of these trends center around furnace repair in Columbia City, so don’t forget to call our team when you need help!

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Your Fireplace Should Last Longer

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

Wood fireplaces in Columbia City, IN are wonderful. Not only does the value of your house get driven up tremendously with a wood fireplace, but it increases your comfort and provides an incredible aesthetic that is irreplaceable. We completely understand why homeowners get so defensive about their fireplaces. They’re almost like another member of the family.

It’s always heartbreaking when a fireplace becomes so worn down that it’s nearly unusable by a family. We talk to homeowners all the time who say they wish they could use their fireplace, but they’re just not sure how well it works after years of neglect. Most homeowners don’t neglect their fireplaces on purpose—it just happens.

Today, we’re going to talk about some ways that you could get your fireplace lasting longer. We’ll talk about best practices and how our team can help.

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How Solar Panels Work

Monday, January 4th, 2021

We get it, you could probably go online to various other websites to watch hour-long documentaries about solar panels. There’s enough technology in the solar energy industry field to fill an entire career full of research. So why are we focusing on such a complicated topic?

Well, you just want to know the basics about solar panels that are important for your home and budget. You want to learn just enough about solar panels in Columbia City so that you can make an informed decision on whether you want them installed or not. It’s simple, really.

So, as your friendly, neighborhood solar company, we’ve decided to take the burden upon ourselves to teach you about solar energy. We’ll talk about the science behind how solar panels work, how the energy gets transferred to your home, and how much it could cost—or save—you.

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