Collier's Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

New AC Installation Process From Start to Finish

Monday, July 8th, 2024

Choosing a new air conditioning system is a significant investment that can enhance your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. Understanding the entire process, from initial consultation to the final inspection, can help ensure a smooth and successful installation. 

In this blog, we’ll walk you through the process for a new central air installation in Warsaw, IN, from start to finish. Getting a new AC that is oversized or undersized or having it installed by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing can spell disaster for your brand-new, costly system. 

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Should I Replace My Central AC with a Heat Pump?

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

As the seasons change and homeowners look for ways to optimize their indoor comfort, the question often arises: “Should I replace my central air conditioning in Plymouth, IN with a heat pump?” At Collier’s, we understand the importance of making informed decisions about your home’s heating and cooling systems. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of replacing your central AC with a heat pump and provide insights to help you make the right choice for your home.

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What Does a Working AC Act Like?

Thursday, September 7th, 2023

Sure, we could be just like every other HVAC company on the internet and start talking about the signs of a failing air conditioner–but we’ve been there, done that. We’d like to approach this kind of situation from another angle, giving customers a better idea of what a good AC system looks like.

That’s right, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Think about a hot day and an air conditioner that’s working perfectly to keep your home comfortable. You adjust the thermostat and within minutes the system cools your home to perfection. It doesn’t screech, it doesn’t grind, and you know that when you get the energy bill at the end of the month, it’ll be as low as possible.

Doesn’t this sound great? As we get into more detail about a working AC and what that looks like, make sure you invest in air conditioning repair in Plymouth, IN so you could have a perfectly working system just like the one mentioned here.

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What Your Next AC Says About You

Monday, August 14th, 2023

We’ve all seen those funny quizzes and lists, like “which character from this hit 90s TV show are you?” or “what your car says about you.” These are classic, and not only are they usually pretty funny, they can sometimes hit at something that’s very true.

Air conditioning systems have been around long enough that they’re a part of pop culture. They’re also super common these days, practically every home in our area has one–whether it’s a window unit or a powerful central air conditioner.

So, if you’re on the hunt for a new air conditioning installation in Columbia City, IN, then we’ve got a fun list for you to figure out what kind of person you are, and what kind of system would fit perfectly in your home. Of course, you should always take into account your preferences and your budget, but there’s no reason why this process can’t be fun!

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What the “SEER” Term Means for Your AC

Monday, July 17th, 2023

If you’re on the hunt for a new central air conditioner in Warsaw, IN, then you’ve probably come across the “SEER” rating. Or, perhaps you’ve even seen the new and improved “SEER2” rating that has been popularized by the Inflation Reduction Act. Either way, this is an important metric that you’re going to need to learn about if you’d like your air conditioner to run as powerfully and efficiently as possible.

SEER stands for seasonal energy efficiency ratio, and it represents a mathematical equation that shows how much space your prospective air conditioner can cool with a given amount of electricity. This means if you’ve got a house of a certain size, and you’d like a system that runs more efficiently, then you should choose a system with a higher SEER rating, as we’ll get into down below.

If math isn’t your strong suit, don’t worry. We’ll keep things simple and you can always call for professional help with this decision.

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It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Your Window AC

Monday, June 12th, 2023

Window air conditioners are there for us in some pretty big life moments. They’re usually one of the largest purchases someone might make when moving into their first apartment. And, it’s soon discovered that they’re some of the heaviest small appliances you can put your arms around.

Your window AC has probably been through a lot, and if you’ve reached this blog, it might be time to retire it.

Don’t get us wrong, these systems definitely have a place in our society. But as things get more energy efficient and we start working hard to get more cooling for less, it becomes easy to see how quickly these systems become wasteful. After all, they’re just not designed to cool more than a room or two, and people naturally grow inside their living spaces.

So, let’s discuss some of the major advantages of a central air installation in Plymouth, IN. We’ll highlight some reasons why this AC can be a great first system for a homeowner that’s ready to cool their entire home.

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3 Things to Avoid With Sub-Par Commercial HVAC

Monday, September 12th, 2022

Commercial air conditioning really matters. In fact, some might argue that it matters more than residential air conditioning. At least with a residential system, a full breakdown or faulty system is going to lead to a family or just a few people being uncomfortable. But with commercial air conditioning, a broken or malfunctioning air conditioner could be absolutely devastating to your bottom line. Customers might head to a different bakery or retail shop, and that split-second decision could lose you a patron for life.

Of course, most business owners understand this. If your place of work is too hot and uncomfortable, you’re likely already aware of this fact. That’s why we want to make sure we get across that our team has specific expertise when it comes to commercial AC repair in Warsaw, IN. If you need help with your industrial air conditioner, turn to us.

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Let’s Learn About the Compressor

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Compressors and air conditioners go hand in hand. The compressor is kind of like the engine of the system if you’re comparing your AC to a car. Without it, the air conditioner doesn’t really do much other than blow lukewarm air through the vents of your home. The compressor is the component that turns your air conditioner into an air conditioner, allowing it to actually cool the air that goes through the system. It’s so important that it warrants its own blog post.

Today, we’re going to talk about AC compressors in Warsaw, IN. We’ll talk about what they are, how they work, and why exactly a compressor problem is a big deal. Our hope is that after this blog post, you’ll be ready to invest in the right services to keep your system in good condition, or to replace an old system with a faulty compressor.

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4 Comfort Tips for the Hot Weather

Monday, July 11th, 2022

There’s one thing for certain if you’re reading this by the time it gets posted—it’s hot! We see some of the hottest weather of the year when we pass the Fourth of July, and we have yet to see some record-breaking heatwaves down the line. The nice part about this for many who are consistent readers of our blog is that their air conditioner is prepped and ready to protect them from the heat. An AC is always going to be able to keep you cool and comfortable when temperatures are way too high for comfort.

Well, for anyone who might be dealing with an AC that’s on its way out (but you don’t really have the budget to replace it yet), or for people who experience emergency AC failure, this blog post is for you. You could have a problem with your AC refrigerant in Warsaw, IN that only a professional can fix.

While we fix your AC, here’s what you can do in the meantime.

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3 Major Benefits to AC Maintenance

Monday, June 13th, 2022

We talk a lot about the importance of AC maintenance on this blog, but sometimes we can get lost in the weeds. An HVAC professional can focus so much on telling customers to invest in AC maintenance, that they can forget to talk about why it’s so important to schedule this kind of service. After all, for many customers, a quick online search is the only method of obtaining this kind of information, so we need to switch our focus and talk about three major benefits of maintenance.

When you think of AC maintenance in Columbia City, IN, you probably think of an unnecessary service—something that you can invest in if you want to feel good or pay for a pro to just “check things.” The truth is much more complicated.

Maintenance is a valuable service, and there are three specific things we’d like to mention today that make it totally worth it.

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